Arthritis of the Spine Treatment
Home Methods
Your spine is an extraordinary anatomical feat. It helps us defy gravity daily, allowing us to walk upright and hold our heads atop our necks. As such, it also takes a lot of the stress and strain incurred in daily activities such as walking, working and exercising. If you have arthritis in your spine, you may want to use ice and heat methods to help alleviate the pain. Ice can help reduce swelling therefore reduce pain. You can use heat when you are hoping to warm your back up to perform activities.
Many people are able to cope with the pain of arthritis using over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Always take these with food to prevent digestive issues or ulcers. Anti-depressant drugs are also effective in helping the body release endorphins to help deal with pain. COX-2 inhibitors are a new type of anti-inflammatory similar to ibuprofen but easier on your stomach. Your doctor may also prescribe immunosuppressants or even a corticosteroid injection to deal with swelling and pain.
Physical Therapy and Exercise
By improving muscle strength, you will improve the overall health of your spine. Muscles and ligaments are better able to support the spine and maintain alignment. You may go through a regimen of stretching, flexibility exercises as well as strength exercise in physical therapy designed to help you compensate for arthritic conditions. Exercise will also help your body release its own endorphins to reduce pain. Being active may help improve or retain movement, helping you maintain independence.
Alternative Therapies
For those in chronic pain as a result of spinal arthritis, there are alternative methods of treatment. Talk to your doctor about anything that might deviate or conflict with his course of treatment. Many patients find relief through acupuncture and acupressure. The Alexander Technique is a method that teaches patients how to move efficiently thus releasing pressure on the spine and other muscles when not needed for action. Chinese herbalists can provide unique herbal remedies that may promote circulation and reduce swelling.
Living With Arthritis
Unfortunately you can not cure arthritis. But you can continue to live a healthy active life by dealing with your condition from the onset of diagnosis. Find a support group or talk to others who have arthritis to learn how they deal with the pain. Know that it is okay to take a rest and allow your body to recovery. You don't need to do it all and do it all at once.
While most people will never have surgery for spinal arthritis, extreme cases that are coupled with disc degeneration may be suitable for surgical procedures. These include disc replacements or fusions to re-introduce the space between vertebrae. Adequate space means there is adequate movement and cushioning. Talk to your doctor if your pain is not responding to any other treatment and mobility is becoming more difficult.