Exercises to Strengthen the Plantar Fascia Ligament
Simpe Exercises for the Ligament
One of the simplest stretches for the ligament is to put your feet flat on you ground. While keeping your heel firmly in place, try lifting your toes upward. This should give you a stretch along the bottom of your foot. You can do this with shoes on if your toes have enough room to maneuver.
A secondary method, which needs to be done either barefoot or in socks, is to roll a round object back and forth under your foot to massage the ligament directly. Suitable objects include a rolling pin or a tennis ball. For added alleviation of pain, try using a cold soda can or frozen juice can to cool the pain while exercising the ligament.
Strengthening Ancillary Areas
In order to prevent further damage, you need to work on areas that assist the plantar fascia in movement of the feet and legs as well. Strengthening your calf and Achilles tendon is a good place to start. To stretch, stand facing your wall and place your heels flat on the ground. Lean into the wall without moving your feet. Do this at a distance where you feel a stretch in your lower legs but are still comfortable. If you have trouble keeping your balance, you can try doing this one leg at a time.
More Drastic Measures
If stretches and exercises are still not enough to heal your plantar fascia pain, there is still one method left to try. There are a number of commercially available splints that you can wear on your feet at night. You will be able to adjust the tension and you can keep your plantar fascia stretched through the night which will help heal the pain. The splints vary in price and quality. If you are unsure of this method or if the splint gives you pain, refer to a qualified podiatrist before continuing.