Wrist Pain Remedies

Millions of Americans suffer from wrist pain on a daily basis. There are many causes of wrist pain, but most cases can be treated inexpensively and nonsurgically. When these methods do not work, surgery may be required to relieve the pain.
  1. Minor Injuries

    • Minor sprains or overexertion of the wrist can be treated at home quite easily and recovery time is generally quick. The injured wrist should be kept elevated and it should be iced for 20 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter pain killers should be sufficient to ease discomfort and a splint can be worn to help immobilize the wrist.

      Torn cartilage in the wrist can be painful but is often treated successfully with rest, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and ice. Ice should be applied to the injured area for no more than 20 minutes at a time. In cases where this form of treatment does not work, a simple surgical procedure may be required to repair the tear.

      While they can be painful, fractures of wrist bones can often occur without you knowing it. Fractured wrists normal require a cast to be worn in order for the bone to fuse back together. Sometimes doctors suggest a screw fixation to be done. This is a procedure in which a screw is inserted through the bone to keep it in place while it heals. This process is usually leads to a quicker recovery than casting. If neither of these methods works, a debridement might be done. A debridement is the removal of dead scar tissue that formed between the broken parts of the bone.


    • Arthritis of the wrist, particularly rheumatoid arthritis, causes inflammation, pain and stiffness. These symptoms can often be relieved with the help of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs. Doing flexibility and strengthening exercises after a hot shower or a bath can also help prevent further damage and decrease pain. These exercises should not be done when the wrist is inflamed.

      Infectious arthritis is a form of arthritis that should not be treated at home and is considered a medical emergency. This condition causes a temperature over 100 degrees along with redness, warmth and pain in the wrist area.

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the wrist is used repeatedly in the same position. A common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is the prolonged use of a computer keyboard or a mouse. A splint should be put on the wrist while the sufferer sleeps or anytime when the wrist is not being used. Over-the-counter anti-flammatory medications and pain relievers can be taken to help manage the pain as well. More severe cases can be treated with a steroid injection administered to the wrist by a doctor.

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