Treatment of a Pulled Neck Muscle
Applying a heated rice bag or towel to your neck can reduce pain and relax your muscles, and can be done throughout the day and night without side effects.
Putting ice or cold packs on a pulled muscle can reduce swelling and inflammation, and can be alternated with heat.
Manual therapies such as massage, acupuncture or chiropractic care can reduce the pain of a pulled muscle in your neck and improve your muscle function.
Pain Relievers
You may take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium for mild pain, and prescription-strength pain relievers may be necessary for treating a severe pulled neck muscle.
Muscle Relaxants
If your neck pain does not go away with pain relievers and home care techniques, your doctor may prescribe a muscle relaxant to reduce your symptoms.
Severely pulled muscles in your neck may result in the need to wear a neck brace for several weeks to help immobilize your muscles and prevent further injury.