How to Heal Bone Fractures
Things You'll Need
- Cast or brace (possibly)
- Healthy food choices
- Multivitamin
Rest. Immobilize the fractured bone as much as possible. If your doctor does not use a cast or brace, he or she might use a simple splint to keep the bone from moving. If for some reason there is nothing in place to prevent movement, you must refrain from activity that moves that area of your body. This may involve crutches, a wheel chair, bed rest or sitting for the majority of the time.
Protect the injured area. In addition to getting a cast or brace if necessary, be careful to protect the injured area from receiving any further type of trauma or injury.
Increase the amount of calories you consume. The body has a higher demand of energy during the mending process. Talk with your doctor about the type of diet that would be best suited for you. The caloric intake that you need will depend on the type and severity of your break as well as your current body mass and health. The average adult consumes about 2,500 calories per day. A break may call for a slight increase all the way up to 5,000 or 6,000 calories for proper healing.
Consume more protein and calcium. These two nutrients are essential building blocks of bone. Lean meats are good sources of protein. Dairy products and green leafy vegetables provide excellent sources of calcium.
Take a daily multivitamin to add an extra supply of vitamins and minerals. Zinc, copper, and vitamins C, D, K and B6 are important in the healing process.
Refrain from smoking and excess consumption of alcohol. These substances can delay healing and weaken bones.
Consult with a sports medicine doctor who can tell you what exercises (if any) you can perform during the healing process. Exercise can boost circulation and overall body health, which may speed the process of healing from a fracture.