Physical Therapy for Torn Rotator Cuff Injuries
Shoulder Flexion
Lie down on an exercise table. You need to be on your front side with your arms hanging down. Hold 3-pound dumbbells in each hand. Bend your arms up until your forearms are parallel with the exercise table. Hold this position for two seconds and then return to the starting position. Do this 12 times, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set.
Shoulder Shrugs
Stand up as straight as you can and hold 3-pound dumbbells in each hand. Your hands should be at your sides. Shrug your shoulders up and hold this position for two seconds. Return to the starting position. Do this 12 times, take a 30-second break and then repeat the set.
Shoulder Lifts
Hold two 3-pound dumbbells in each hand. The dumbbells should be vertical, with one end pointing to the floor and the other end pointing to the ceiling. Raise your arms until they are at a 45-degree angle. Hold the position for two seconds before returning to the starting position. Do this 12 times, take a 30-second break and repeat the set.
Resistance Band Stretch
Stand up straight in the middle of the room. Take hold of a resistance band with both hands at shoulder height. Pull the band about 12 inches to the outside with each arm. Hold the position for two seconds. Return to the original position. Do this 10 times, take a 30-second break and repeat the set.
Arm Curls on an Exercise Ball
Sit on an exercise ball and find your balance point. Take hold of two 3-pound dumbbells in each hand. Tense your core muscles because you also will be able to build strength in your abdomen and lower back muscles. Curl the weights up to your shoulder and then return to the starting position. Do this 12 times, take a 30-second break and repeat the set. This motion will strengthen your shoulder and the light weights will assure that you do not put additional strain on the joint.