What Are the Symptoms of a Torn Tendon?
A torn tendon, which normally arises as the result of an athletic injury or accident, generally produces significant, and often times severe, physical symptoms and range of motion abnormalities.-
Pain is the most obvious symptom of a torn tendon. Localized pain occurring at the site of tendon rupture is present in almost all cases. Severe tendon tears generally produce severe pain.
Normally, swelling occurs at the site of a tendon tear as well as in the soft tissues in the immediate vicinity. Severe tendon tears generally produce severe swelling.
It is common to hear a popping sound when a tendon tears, especially in cases where a tendon tears completely.
Joint Restriction
A tendon tear normally results in restricted joint movement, sometimes severe, of the joint in close proximity to the torn tendon.
Knot Formation
The individual fibers of a torn tendon oftentimes spasm and, along with localized soft tissue inflammation, produce a knot, or bump, that can be felt directly under the skin at the site of the tendon injury.