Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Relief
Stretch Hand and Fingers
Open hands up and stretch out fingers as wide and far apart as possible. Hold for five seconds then clinch hands into a fist. Repeat 10 times.
Next, find a table or other solid surface and place hands on this surface with palms down. Turn hands to a slight diagonal position, facing one another in the same manner that feet would be if they were pigeon toed. Keep elbows straight and shift body from right to left, placing as much weight as possible on the hands. When shifted to the right, hold as much pressure as possible on right hand for five seconds then shift to the left and repeat for same amount of time. Do 10 repetitions for right hand and 10 repetitions for the left every day.
Stretch Wrists
Fold up your fingers into a light fist and do wrist circles. Twirl them around 10 times in a clockwise motion, then another 10 times in a counter-clockwise motion.
Hold one hand directly in front of you, at shoulder level with palm facing outward. Take opposite hand and gently pull fingers back as far as possible without causing pain. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat process with other hand.
Hold one hand directly in front of you, at shoulder level with fingers relaxed and palm facing the ground. Take the opposite hand and clasp the top of the other hand and gently pull as if you are trying to pull the hand back toward the body. Hold stretch for 20 seconds and repeat process with other hand.
Shake it Out
Find a soft, squishy ball that is designed for hand exercises. Get a couple of these balls so the exercise will be done much quicker. Squeeze them as hard as possible, then release. Do this 10 times in succession then shake hands out when finished. Shake your fingers, wrists and entire arm to help relax.
Do these exercises daily and think of it as a three to five minute warm-up for the day.