Facial Exercises for Cheekbones & Face
Mouth Stretching
Open your mouth and place the index and middle fingers of each hand onto the sides of your mouth. Using these fingers, stretch the sides of your mouth out while keeping it open. Now bring your fingers together by puckering your lips and rounding the opening of your mouth. Once your mouth is rounded and your fingers are together, relax and pull your fingers back to make your mouth wide again. Your mouth should be open the entire time. Contract and relax your mouth at a pace of one per second. Do these in sets of ten.
Expanding the Cheeks
Pretend that you are playing a musical instrument such as a trumpet. Fill your mouth and cheeks with air and hold your breath. Your cheeks should expand outwards. Do not strain yourself. Do this and hold for a count of ten seconds. Next, use a balloon and do the same exercise as before, but this time fill the balloon with air. As you blow into the balloon feel the muscles in your cheeks expand. This is a form of facial yoga. Release the air in the balloon and blow it up once more. Do this ten times.
Fish Face
Make a fish face by sucking in your cheeks so that they are under your teeth. Do not bite down on your cheeks; simply let them rest under the teeth. Once you have sucked in the cheeks, relax so that your face is normal again. Repeat this exercise ten times, at a pace of one per second. Another exercise for your face and cheekbones is to make the widest smile that you can. Imagine the top corners of your smile are touching your ear lobes. Hold this position. Now wrinkle your nose and feel the cheek muscles become tense. Keep your face in the smiling position and bring your nose down and up ten times.