Ways to Cure Leg & Ankle Pains
Tips for Leg Pain Relief
If you are suffering from leg pains, first try resting the affected limb. Keep the leg elevated to rest muscles and reduce any inflammation. Place ice on the painful areas four times a day for at least 15 minutes. Try massaging and stretching the affected muscles to reduce discomfort. You can use support hose or wrap the leg in an Ace bandage to compress painful areas. Use an over-the-counter medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation
Tips for Ankle Pain Relief
Relieve ankle pain by resting the affected foot and keeping it immobile. If the ankle is swelling, apply ice to the affected area. Keep it iced for 10 to 15 minutes, and elevate above the heart level. Wrap an Ace bandage around the ankle to compress and provide additional support. Try wearing a more supportive shoe and inserting arch-support insoles. This will provide additional stability for the ankle to reduce discomfort. Being overweight also puts additional pressure on ankles. Losing some weight will reduce ankle stress and lessen pain. Ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen can also reduce inflammation.
Seek medical treatment if:
You suspect a bone may be broken.
You are experiencing severe pain without bearing weight on the affected limb.
The affected limb seems pale and is cold to the touch.
You have a fever and the area is warm with an increase in pain.
Swelling does not decrease after two or three days.