Kinesio Tape Information
The Kinesio Taping Method is a way to tape the professional athletes' muscles. It received a lot of publicity after its use by several athletes at the 2008 Olympic Summer Games in Beijing. The method uses adhesive-coated elastic tape, which is placed on the skin around the muscle in a specific pattern of specialized shapes, including "I" "Y and "X" shapes.-
Athletes have long used athletic tape to support their muscles following an injury, to reduce pain and prevent further injury to the muscle. Athletic tapes have historically been made of rigid, non-flexible fabric. In the 1970s, Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase developed Kinesio Tex Tape, which was a flexible cotton fiber tape with acrylic adhesive. Flexible tape can provide support to the muscle while allowing for greater range of motion. Kinesio tape can be left in place for several days
The Kinesio Taping Method is designed to provide support and pain relief for weak, injured or sore muscles or to prevent over-contraction of muscles. Athletes, trainers or medical professionals can apply the tape either with tension or without, depending on the desired effect. According to Kinesio, applying the tape with tension can create a space under the skin for improved circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can relieve discomfort and assist in the healing of inflamed muscles. Kinesio recommends applying the tape from the end ("insertion") of the muscle to the beginning ("origin") to help relax overused muscles. Placing it from the origin to the insertion to stimulate weak or underused muscles can be a part of rehabilitation.
The most common areas for applying the Kinesio Taping Method are the leg, arm, shoulder, neck or back.
The Kinesio Taping Method emphasizes the importance of proper placement of elastic tape, and Kinesio offers training seminars and certification in the proper application of Kinesio Tex Tape.
While mild to moderate muscle pain, stiffness and swelling is normal 12 to 48 hour after strenuous exercise and can be treated at home, other conditions are more serious and require medical attention. Sudden, severe pain or pain accompanied by bruising can be signs of a torn muscle. Severe pain, unrelenting muscle spasms or significant loss of mobility can also indicate a more serious condition such as tendinitis, nerve injury or a broken bone. Areas of numbness or skin that becomes cold, pale or blue below the area of the injury can be signs of a very serious injury; such a condition requires immediate medical attention. When in doubt, see your doctor.