Exercise for Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Neck Stretches
Some good neck stretches include tilting your neck sideways and backwards. Tilt your head down toward your chest and hold for three to five seconds. Lift your chin back up to level and tilt your head to the right. Hold for three to five seconds. Tilt to the left and hold as well. Do ten reps of each stretch.
Some simply shoulder rolls will also be good for spinal stenosis. Raise your arms to shoulder height and make small shoulder rolls--ten times forward and then ten times backwards. You can then do ten medium-sized circles in each direction. Rest in between if your arms get tired.
Core Exercises
Along with exercises for your neck, core exercises are recommended for those with spinal stenosis. A strong core will stabilize your spine and support your posture.
Opposite Arm and Leg Raises -- Lie facedown on a comfortable mat. You can lay on a pillow if you want. Reach your arms forward on the floor. Raise your right arm and your left leg together. You only need to raise them a couple of inches off the floor. Keep yourself up for three to five seconds. Lower your arm and leg. Now lift the opposite arm and leg. Do ten reps per side.
Cobras -- Lie facedown with your arms at your sides. Pull your shoulders back and rotate your palms up. Squeeze your ab and glutes. Raise your upper body up from the floor and hold it up for three to five seconds. Return to the floor. Do ten reps.
Aerobic Exercise
Spinal stenosis sufferers are often told to do aerobic exercise. Walking, hiking, cycling and swimming are all forms of exercise often recommended. Exercise shouldn't be painful. Do not do something that will cause painful impact on your neck and stop an exercise if it hurts.