Water Weight Loss Diet
To lose weight permanently, consult a reputable source such as My Food Pyramid, by the USDA, to design a realistic diet, exercise daily and practice stress management. Do a water fast only under direct medical supervision.
What is the Water Weight Loss Diet?
This crash diet is not a safe means to lose weight. It requires the dieter to consume only water for however many days it takes to lose the desired about of weight. Normally, it is best to lose no more than 1 to 1-1/2 pounds per week while eating a diet provided with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.
Crash dieting might result in a rapid weight loss to fit into a party dress, but it is short-lived, as most people regain the weight they lost and gain back several pounds more once they begin eating.
What is a Safe Way to Lose Weight?
If you have any chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, liver disorders or are taking any prescription medications, see your doctor. If you are in good health, you can use the online resource, My Food Pyramid, designed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
There are several food pyramids presented: children, teens, senior citizens, pregnant women, vegans or vegetarians.
Eating a variety of foods every day will stave off boredom and bingeing. Drink water between meals to help prevent overeating and create a sense of fullness.
Exercising for at least 20 minutes, four times a week will speed your weight loss by increasing your metabolism. You will build lean muscle tissue that has larger "energy needs" than fat, and you will burn more calories and lose weight.
If you are new to exercising, start by walking for 10 minutes, two or three times a day. Recruit a weight loss buddy to walk with you, or call friends on your cell phone to make the time go by quickly.