Elbow Swelling Without Pain

Elbows are extremely vulnerable to chronic injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow or bursitis. Most often, tennis and golfer's elbow come with pain and although there is swelling of the tendons, it may not be visible. Conversely bursitis often presents as swelling without pain.
  1. Causes

    • Elbow (olecranon) bursitis is a swelling of the bursa that cushions the pointy part of the elbow. It is sometimes called student's elbow because it can be caused by prolonged periods of resting your head on your elbow while studying. This is a chronic condition that can recur due to repeated activities even after you have reduced the swelling and pain.


    • While most injury would be accompanied by pain, elbow bursitis does not always come with pain. Pain may only be present when placing direct pressure on the elbow. Other symptoms my be redness over an area that feels overly warm. There may be a limited range of motion because the swelling can impede movement. If you have a severe condition. you may feel a grinding texture when you press or rub the swollen area. Should the swelling be a result of infection, you will most likely present other flu-like symptoms.

    Cure for Chronic Issues

    • The first thing to do is apply ice to the elbow. This will help reduce the swelling. Resting the elbow will prevent it from swelling further. It is especially important to stop any activity that is causing the swelling. Use a brace to compress the elbow and prevent further injury and swelling. If you can get something padded to protect the elbow from any bumping, this might help improve the condition prior to your ever experiencing any pain.

    Gout Cure

    • Gout is often best controlled by the amount of animal protein you consume. Reducing protein reduces uric acid that is not flushed out of the system. It is also important to reduce alcohol and drink a lot of fluids, especially water.

      Ibuprofen will help to take swelling down, but don't rely on this regularly for a chronic issue since ibuprofen can be very hard on your stomach and lead to ulcers. Consult your doctor if you need to use ibuprofen for any more than a week to reduce the swelling around the elbow. If nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine does not work, steroidal medications may be prescribed by your doctors.

    Arthritis Relief

    • If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, consult with your doctor about the best course of action to treat the swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine is always attempted first, followed by stronger steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine. In severe cases, cortisone shots may be used to reduce swelling and stop any pain that may present iteself.

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