Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome With Exercise
Reduce Exercise
Sometimes the best way to strengthen is to do less. This is true for those at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Many people work all day and then go to the gym to workout. What they forget is that they have been putting their hands and wrist under great exertion all day. Doing wrist curls only creates more stress on the wrist increasing likelihood of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Stay away from power cleans and close-grip bench presses.
Imrpove What is Weak
Carpal tunnel syndrome results from pressure on the medial nerve along the base of the thumb. This is the area of the hand that gets the most work, grips tightest and becomes stronger than the rest of the hand by virtue of daily use.
Exercise fingers, particularly the ring and pinky finger which are often neglected. Do wrist exercises that don't compromise the position of the wrist. Form is everything. Keep the wrist straight and use lower weights with more repetitions. You can use Chinese exercise balls that are designed to help release tension in hands and build hand dexterity and strength.
People often forget to relax. When you stretch, you release tension in the muscle that can place pressure on the median nerve. Something as simple as choosing to not grip a pencil as tightly or shaking your hands out in the middle of activity can greatly reduce your chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
Taking the time to pull on each finger to stretch it from joint compression can help keep the hand healthy. Extending your forearm in front of you and pulling the fingers up and holding, then pulling them down and holding stretch the muscles in the forearm. Stretch the thumb by pulling it away from the palm toward the wrist. The more limber you can stay, the less chance you'll develop carpal tunnel.