Best Treatment for Osteopenia
Prescription drugs are often prescribed for people with osteoporosis. They increase BMD by adding more calcium to build and repair bones. Some doctors prescribe bisphosphonates as a precautionary measure when test results reveal osteopenia. Other experts argue against this approach, because you might end up taking a prescription for a condition you might not have developed.
Exercise has proven highly effective for reversing osteopenia. You want to focus on exercises that increase bone density and improve balance and coordination. Walking, dancing, gymnastics, aerobics, jogging, going down stairs and gardening are all efficient exercises to increase your weight-bearing ability and increase bone density. For improving balance and coordination, try walking with emphasis on alternating between walking on your toes and heels. Yoga and Tai Chi can also improve balance and coordination. Always consult with your physician to ensure your bones are strong enough, and you are in good enough health, to begin a new fitness routine.
Lifestyle Changes
Once you are diagnosed with osteopenia, it is important to make some lifestyle changes. Reduce or eliminate your intake of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, because all can cause calcium malabsorption. Supplementing with calcium, magnesium and Vitamins D and K can help restore BMD to the proper levels. Eat lots of vegetables to improve your overall health, and to promote the optimal ratio of calcium to phosphorous. Citrus fruits can aid in your absorption of calcium, as can vinegar. Reduce your intake of sugar and sodium, because both leach calcium from the body. Avoid antacids. They reduce gastic acid, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium.