What Is the Meaning of Pronation?
Pronation Problems
When people refer to pronation, they are often discussing pronation problems. Pronation problems occur when the foot either pronates too much (arches too much) or arches too little. If the foot flattens too much, a condition called over-pronation is occurring. As a result of the flattening, the bones of the foot begin to turn inward. This can lead to tendinitis (a medical condition characterized by pain and swelling in the Achilles heel) and/or knee problems.
Flat Feet
Flat feet are another condition related to pronation. When children are born, their feet are naturally flatter. As they grow and begin to walk, an arch is supposed to develop. If this arch does not develop properly, the foot can't pronate properly because it is too flat. Persistent flat feet can lead to a condition caused by lack of pronation, called tibialis posterior tendinitis. This condition is often the cause of stretching or inflammation of the tendons of the foot, and can lead to pain and permanent disability if the pronation problem is not corrected.
Understanding Pronation
Pronation is a subconscious process, so it is not something that can be controlled. If there are problems with pronation, they must be diagnosed and corrected. Doctors can diagnose pronation by taking a history of symptoms. They may also examine the foot and/or observe the way you walk and run to determine whether your foot is pronating properly. Finally, abnormal wear patterns on shoes can indicate that the foot is not pronating properly.
Pronation problems are generally corrected by orthotics. Orthotics are worn inside the shoes, and correct the arch of the foot. By correcting the arch, orthotics ensure that pronation occurs correctly. The orthotics ensure that the heel touches the ground first, and that the weight of the body is distributed evenly since the foot can neither over- nor underpronate when orthotics keep the arch in place.
Pronation problems usually can't be prevented, and a person can't consciously control the way their foot pronates, even once they understand the meaning of pronation. Wearing proper shoes may be helpful, but if the foot is too flat and/or pronation does not occur naturally, the only way to ensure correct pronation is with orthotics.