Remedy for Sore Muscles
Ice Packs
Applying ice packs to the painful area is a common way to gain relief. The cooling effect eases pain and even numbs the skin. This needs to be done several times a day until all soreness discontinues. If you are able to freely move the area and have no pain even without applying ice, the strain in your muscles has healed.
Heating Pads
Placing a heating pad on your sore muscles is another way to relieve pain. The heat creates a warmth to the skin that calms the throbbing of pain receptors in your sore muscles. This too will need to be repeated every few hours throughout the day until the pain subsides.
Herbal Remedies
There are also herbal remedies that can relieve muscle soreness. Included among these are lavender, menthol and margosa oils. The lavender oil is very soothing because it is a type of antiseptic. Menthol oil provides a cooling effect that works in a similar way as an ice pack. Margosa oil is a deep penetrating remedy that eases pain and helps remove soreness. Massaging your sore muscles with any of these oils can help loosen them up and work the soreness out. Apple cider vinegar is also known to be used as a form of relief for sore muscles. Soaking a cloth in apple cider vinegar and applying it to your sore muscles for 20 minutes helps draw out lactic acid it your system that causes muscle pain. This can be repeated as necessary every three to four hours.
Over-the-counter Medications
If any of these home remedies do not help relieve the pain of sore muscles, there is a wide variety of over-the-counter medications available. These normally come in a cream, gel or roll-on liquid form. They can also be used several times daily and usually help relieve all muscle soreness within just a few days of use. Among these are Icy Hot, Absorbine Jr. and Aspercreme.