Pes Anserine Bursitis Exercises
Heel Slide
The heel slide pes anserine bursitis exercise helps gain more control of the hip joint and helps regain range of motion by stretching the muscles on top of the thigh.
To do the heel slide, sit on the floor with your legs against the floor and straight out in front of you. Slide your heel slowly toward your buttock by pulling the knee toward the chest as the heel slides on the floor. Return the leg to the original position.
Hamstring Stretch
The hamstring stretch per anserine bursitis exercise is done to gain more flexibility in the muscles in the back of the thigh and knee.
To do the doorway hamstring stretch, pick a doorway in the house. Put one leg on the floor through the doorway, and the other leg propped on the wall. Make sure the buttocks are as close to the wall as possible. Hold for a few seconds, and then change legs.
Standing Calf Stretch
The standing calf stretch is another per anserine bursitis exercise. The purpose of the standing calf stretch is to stretch the long calf muscle in the leg.
To do this exercise, face a wall and place your hands flat on the wall at about eye level. Place one leg slightly behind the body, making sure the heel is on the floor. Put the other leg in front with the knee slightly bent. Slowly lean into the wall until the calf muscle stretches.
Quadriceps Stretch
The quadriceps stretch exercise for per anserine bursitis is designed to gain flexibility in the muscles in the front of the thigh.
Stand near a wall, about an arm's length away, with the leg that is to be exercised on the outside away from the wall. Using your hand on the wall for balance, grasp the ankle and pull the heel toward the buttocks. Keep the rest of your body straight without any bending or twisting of the upper body.
Quad Sets
Quad sets exercises for per anserine bursitis are designed to strengthen the muscles of the upper thigh.
Sit on the floor with the leg to be exercised laying flat and stretched out in front. The other leg should be slightly bent. Press the back of the knee of the leg that is straight out in front into the floor and tighten the muscles on the top of the thigh.