How to Prepare For EMG Nerve Testing
An EMG Test is used to determine possible nerve damage mainly in the legs, feet, back, and neck. The test may be a bit uncomfortable due to needle sticks. If you are scheduled to receive an EMG Test there are some things that you need to do in preparation.
First, don't take any blood thinning medication, aspirin, or any drug that may interfere with the test. In addition, it is best not to consume alcohol. Alcohol thins the blood any can interfere with the test.
Also, refrain from wearing any heavy perfumes, colognes, deodorant etc. You want to keep the areas to be tested as clean and sanitary as possible.
The test takes about 45 minutes and the machine used looks very much like a laptop computer. The test has been used for years very successfully.
Your doctor should have the results fairly quickly. You can discuss any concerns that you may have with your physician.