Range of Motion Exercises for the Finger
Flexion and Extension
Place one hand on a table or in your lap or on a tabletop. Perform these exercises with each finger, or just the affected finger, whichever you feel is necessary. Do this exercise five times and then repeat with the other hand if desired.
With the back of the hand resting on a surface, fully extend and then curl in the finger toward the palm of your hand. Do these exercises slowly and smoothly.
Thumb Exercise: Abduction
Rest your affected hand on a table top or on your lap, your palm facing you. Using your other hand, gently and slowly spread your thumb and index finger apart, using the thumb and index finger of your other hand to separate and stretch the muscles in the "V" created between your thumb and index finger. This is called an abduction exercise. Do this five times.
Thumb and Finger Exercise: Opposition
Place your hand on your lap or on a table top, palm facing upward. Gently grasp your thumb with your good hand and guide the thumb across the palm until you can touch it to the tip of your little finger. If you have to, pull your index finger slightly inward to accommodate the stretch until your thumb is strong enough to do this on its own. You can repeat this fingertip-touching process with all the fingers of one hand from your thumb to your ring finger. Perform this exercise five times and then repeat with the other hand.