What Are Hammer Toes?
What are Hammer Toes?
Hammer toes are the result of a problem with the neuromuscular system. The muscles and the tendons weaken and are no longer able to hold the toe straight. This can happen due to several different reasons and the toe or toes, start to curl at the joint. When the toe curls, it will curl downward so the nail droops downward and is no longer at the top of the toe.
Medical Conditions That Cause Hammer Toes
Hammer toes can develop due to a number of medical conditions. One major cause of hammer toes are neurological deficits such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Charcot-Marie-Tooth, which is a peripheral nerve disorder, disrupts the signals from the nerves to the muscles. The muscles weaken in areas like the legs, feet and toes. This muscle weakness can cause the toes to curl. Other neurological disorders that can cause hammer toes are multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. Diabetes is another condition commonly known to cause hammer toes. This is because diabetes also affects the peripheral nervous system, weakening the muscles.
Other Causes of Hammer Toes
Flat feet is a condition where there is little to no arch in the foot. When the foot is flat, the toes do not curl in a normal position; they tend to over-curl, resulting in hammer toes. Another cause of hammer toes are shoes. Women typically wear more constrained shoes than men, especially high heels that do not leave much room for the toes. Constricting the toes can cause the tendons in the toes to constrict, and over time, they can become permanently damaged and curl. Corns on the toes are also prone to causing hammer toes. They too constrict the tendons and cause permanent curling.
How to Prevent Hammer Toes
When there is an underlying neuromuscular disease that causes the hammer toes, there is really no way of preventing them; instead, treating the hammer toes is the only answer. You can, however, help prevent hammer toes by choosing appropriate shoes with plenty of toe room. You should always choose shoes that have a wide, open space for the toes with no over-crowding. Plenty of room for the toes will also help in preventing corns to grow, which lead to hammer toes.
Treatment for Hammer Toes
Treatment for hammer toes requires you to be proactive with your foot care. If you have a corn on your toe, you will need to see a podiatrist to have the corn treated, or removed. If you have signs of your toes beginning to curl, you may be able to tape the toes or splint them to help correct the curling. If taping or splinting does not work, surgery may be the only alternative. Surgery for hammer toes is usually done under anesthesia, but is typically done as an outpatient procedure.
Concerns With Hammer Toes
There are concerns with hammer toes. Hammer toes can disrupt the normal blood flow to the toes and this can not only be painful, but it can cause circulation problems. Hammer toes hurt because you are not walking on the normal, bottom portion of the toe anymore, but the tip. The lack of blood flow to the toe is also painful, and can cause a pins and needles feeling in the toes, as well as sharp shooting pain.