The Effects of Mulligan Technique on Tennis Elbow
Mulligan Technique
The Mulligan Technique is a therapeutic taping technique that provides support and creates "mobilization with movement" (MWM); a flexible yet durable, canvas-like tape is used with this technique.
The therapist will use his thumbs to create a lateral glide of the arm with the goal of triggering the pain-free mobilization point. The wrist should be able to extend without pain.
Taping the Points
Five centimeter tape is used where the therapist determines the pain-free mobilization points exist, and may require more than taping the location to relieve the pain.
Pain Reduction
Research is still being done on this revolutionary technique to provide added support based on body movement. When applied according to instructions, most people suffering from tennis elbow report significantly lower pain.
Correcting Poor Form
The Mulligan Technique offers a way to play through the injury and reduce future stress on the elbow. Since most tennis elbow is a result of improper form, addressing overall technique is crucial to solving the problem.