Relief for Stiff Joints
Yoga consists of controlled movements such as stretches that are combined with deep breathing exercises. These exercises relax the muscles surrounding the stiff joints. Yoga utilizes gentle pressure that can help reach into the stiff joint. It can aid in improving joint movement and flexibility. Yoga helps to improve your posture. This form of exercise also decreases pain levels. Not only can yoga help the physiology of an individual, it can help psychologically as well. As you begin to move more freely, your mental state will improve. Included in yoga are various stretching movements that provide relief for stiff joints. A simple example involving the fingers is to take hold of the stiff fingers with the unaffected hand. Gently straighten the affected fingers out and pull backwards.
Any form of exercise or physical activity can provide health benefits. Even when your joints are stiff, movement will help reduce your pain level while speeding up your recuperation process. Exercise also provides a good cardiovascular workout and decreases joint swelling and stiffness. Walking is an all-body workout that can provide many health benefits at no cost other than a good pair of walking shoes.
Certain foods can provide relief for stiff joints, as well as the avoidance of foods that can aggravate the problem. It is advisable to avoid foods high in saturated and trans fats, such as red meats and processed meats such as bologna, salami and pepperoni. Other saturated fat rich foods include whole fat or 2% dairy products and fatty oils such as coconut and palm oil. Trans fat rich include any commercially prepared baked foods like cakes, pies, cookies and pastries that contain shortening and/or partially hydrogenated oils. Also limit or avoid simple and refined carbohydrates such as white flour foods (breads, white rice and baked goods). Start eating more foods high in antioxidants such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids (such as salmon and tuna) are beneficial choices. Vitamin C, D and selenium are helpful. The spices ginger and turmeric are commonly used to provide relief for stiff joints.
As with any change in your exercise regime, check with your medical care provider prior to beginning any program. They are aware of your medical condition and can provide guidance that will help you avoid undue harm or physical injury.