Physiotherapy Exercises for Knees
Muscle Strengthening Exercises
After a knee injury, the muscles that help move and support the knee become tense and strained. This causes pain for the patient and limits movement of the knee joint. Weak muscles will not be able to support the knee and can cause knee movements to become disjointed. The main muscles that coordinate knee movements are the quadriceps. In order to coordinate knee movement, these muscles must be strong. The best form of physiotherapy for the quadriceps is the following exercise: Lie down with your leg straight and tense your thigh muscles. Attempt to push the knee down while raising the heel of your foot. Do this only for a few seconds for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
Stretching Exercises
Stretching exercises will help complement the muscle-strengthening exercises. One of the best forms of exercise for the knee is to activate the quadriceps muscles. Place a rolled-up towel under your knee and lift your heels. Straighten the knee as much as possible without raising it from the towel. If this is too painful, start with a larger roll and, as the knee gets more flexible, make the towel smaller, which will make lifting the knee more difficult.
Pain Killers and Heat Therapy
Physiotherapy is not all about exercise. Patients with a lot of pain will be given pain killers and muscle relaxants that will help control and alleviate the pain from their knee injury. To further soothe and relax the muscles, treatment in the form of heat therapy may be advised. In this kind of therapy, infrared heat rays are focused on the site of injury after the exercises have been completed. Hydrotherapy, in the form of swimming, may also be advised, as this helps relax the muscles, making exercise more effective.