Sprained Ankle Prevention
Warm Up and Exercise
Before you ever set out to exercise or participate in your favorite sport, warm up not just your body, but your ankles as well. Pointing and flexing your feet can help limber up your ankles. Rolling your feet from left to right and then right to left can also loosen up the joints and tissue within these parts.
Balance and strength exercises can help prevent sprained ankles. The easiest exercise is to simply stand one foot. Build up to a minute on each side.
You also can strengthen the evertor muscle, which is on the outside edge of your foot. Place a band around both feet while sitting or standing. Roll the outsides of your feet up. Hold for five seconds. Do 10 repetitions, twice daily.
If you're out of shape or unfamiliar with a sport, you're more apt to hurt yourself than when properly conditioned and informed. If you're going to play tennis, basketball or football make sure you participate at the appropriate level. Over time, your fitness and knowledge will increase, as well as your strength and flexibility.
Be Properly Equipped
Your shoes can also play a role in preventing sprains. Make sure the shoes you buy are appropriate for the activity you're taking part in. Buy running shoes for running, tennis shoes for tennis and basketball shoes for basketball.
They also need to fit and fit well. Check that the shoes are the right width and length as well as supportive of the foot arch. Try them on, test them out if at all possible and ask for help from knowledgeable employees.
Pay Attention
Within almost any sport or activity, be it walking, jogging or Frisbee, uneven surfaces can quickly cause your ankle to roll, twist or jerk, resulting in a sprain. So, get the lay of the land and pay attention to what you're doing while you're doing it to prevent a sprain.