Cures for Fibromyalgia
If physical pain is the only symptom in a fibromyalgia patient, doctors may only prescribe analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. However, there usually are a multitude of symptoms, so they may need additional medicine to treat those. Antidepressants are a popular prescription for people with fibromyalgia as they help treat the feelings of insomnia, exhaustion and pain that are associated with fibromyalgia. They also reduce depression, relax muscles and improve quality of sleep.
Dietary Changes
Small changes in diet can help alleviate symptoms of fibromyalgia. Cutting out caffeine is one of the most significant as this can disrupt sleep patterns. Getting a good amount of rest and eliminating non-essential physical activites can do wonders for pain management. A stimulant like caffeine can make you feel jittery and active. Omega-3 acids and fish oils may also reduce fibromyalgia symptoms; this can be done by eating fresh fish or taking a dietary supplement.
Low-impact aerobics have been found to relieve the pain, sleep problems and depression often associated with fibromyalgia. Endorphins are a hormone that are released during aerobic activity. These will help quell joint pain and produce a feeling of well-being. Some good exercises to engage in are swimming, walking, bicycling and low-impact circuit training. Higher impact exercise like running, interval training and lifting weights may increase muscular discomfort, so it is best to avoid this type of exercise. If soreness occurs as a result of exercise, feel free to massage or use heat on affected area for extra pain relief.