Options for the Relief of Joint Inflammation
Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Over-the-Counter Drugs
To relieve joint inflammation, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as ibuprofen. NSAIDS block the enzymes that promote inflammation, thereby reducing it. However, NSAIDS carry a risk of stomach bleeding and ulcers, so caution should be used when taking NSAIDS.
Prescription Drugs
Various prescription drugs are available for reducing joint inflammation. Steroid-based medications aim to reduce inflammation and generally work well. However, steroids are not recommended for long-term use unless absolutely necessary. Another prescription drug is methotrexate, which is frequently used for rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, which include Celebrex and Vioxx, are used to combat joint pain and inflammation. These medications should be taken only for a short period of time, as long-term use can cause health complications.
Physical Therapy
Another way to help alleviate joint pain is to try physical therapy. A physical therapist can assist in designing an exercise plan to help with pain, by including flexibility exercises as well as strength training. In addition, a therapist may provide orthotics, splints, cold or hot pack treatments and massage. Ice therapy may also help to reduce the swelling that leads to joint pain and inflammation. The physical therapist may also make recommendations for therapy that a patient can do at home.