How to Lose Weight After Double Fusion Surgery
Eat breakfast to increase your metabolism and contribute to serotonin release. Serotonin is a natural mood enhancer and pain killer. Consume protein, carbohydrates and fiber to help with elimination and avoid pressure on the spine as well.
Drink 64 ounces or more of ice water daily to increase nutrient absorption to the joints and body organs. According to, because discs are made up of about 80% water, hydrating will contribute to overall intervertebral disc health. In addition, water will help you to feel full and also speed up your metabolism as your body attempts to bring the ice water to core temperature.
Drink milk to increase calcium intake and contribute to weight loss. Milk provides amino acids that are necessary for bone and spinal health. According to, the calcium in milk helps to increase the oxidation of fat and increases the thermogenics in the body.
Exercise gently by walking, stretching or doing yoga, pilates or low-impact aerobics. Be sure to wear good shoes when exercising to lessen the impact on the spine. In addition, wear a back brace or other support if necessary while exercising to avoid injury. Start an exercise program very slowly and under the supervision of a doctor for best results.