Facts About Perthes Disease
Perthes disease decreases the amount of blood flowing to the thigh and femur. It can cause fractures and deformities in the hip and thigh bones.
Symptoms of Perthes disease include a limited range of motion, a limp, and prolonged pain in the knee, upper leg or hip. However, some children never exhibit any symptoms of the disease.
The name of the disease comes from the doctors who first discovered it in 1910. Calve, Perthes and Legg each discovered the disease in a different patient and presented their findings that year.
Age Range
Although Perthes disease usually presents between the ages of 5 and 7, it can occur in children as old as 12 and as young as 3. Young boys account for the majority of cases.
Perthes disease is more common in children who are shorter than average, as well as in children who experience a growth spurt later in life. It's also more common in children who were born breech, and in Caucasians.