Shoulder Exercises for Rotator Cuff Pathology
Easy does it
These exercises are all designed to be done with small weights (2 oz. to 8 oz.) in the hand on the same side as the shoulder to be strengthened. These exercises should cause fatigue, not pain, and so if there is any pain, a lighter weight should be used. All of these exercises should be done slowly to help maximize their effect and avoid using other arm muscles to help the shoulder muscles. After doing 20 to 30 repetitions of all of the exercises, it is a good idea to ice the shoulder for 20 minutes. As a general rule it is best to do each exercise until your arm begins to feel fatigued and then to move on to the next exercise, rotating through the exercises until your shoulder feels exhausted.
Shoulder Lift
For this first exercise, begin by lying on your stomach on a bench or bed. Position your arm so that your upper arm remains at shoulder level and then your elbow is at a 90-degree angle to your hand, pointing toward the floor. With the weight in your hand, slowly raise your hand up to shoulder level by rotating your shoulder, but keeping your elbow bent. Hold this position for two seconds and then slowly return your hand to the starting position. Do this exercise until your arm is fatigued and you are having a hard time doing the exercise. Then, switch to the other arm and repeat.
Sideways Lift
Lie on your right side with a rolled up towel under your right armpit for stability while your right arm is extended out from your head. In your left hand, hold the weight and have your upper arm at your side, your elbow bent at 90 degrees, and your forearm going down across your chest with your palm facing the floor. Now slowly rotate your shoulder, keeping your elbow bent, so that your hand is level with your shoulder. Hold this for two seconds and then slowly return your hand to its starting place. Repeat until your shoulder becomes fatigued, and then switch to your other arm.
Sideways Raise
Again, lie on your right side, but this time keep your left arm at your side. Now, with the weight in hand, bend your right elbow 90 degrees, but keep your forearm on the table. Slowly raise your forearm until it is level with your shoulder. Hold for two seconds and then return your forearm to its resting position. Do this exercise until your shoulder feels tired and then switch to the other arm.
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