Hip Arthroscopy Procedures
Hip arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows for easy visualization and imaging of the hip joint. Also, hip arthroscopy is used to make minor repairs to the hip joint, including joint debridement, cartilage repairs and soft tissue releases.
Hip arthroscopy procedures revolve around the use of very small imaging devices, or cameras, inserted into and around the hip joint via tiny incisions made in key locations around the hip joint. The cameras allow for easy visualization of the joint anatomy and allow small surgical instruments to be guided around the hip joint to make repairs.
The hip joint is a very dense, hard to access joint that is surrounded by thick layers of muscle and a very thick, fibrous joint capsule. Hip arthroscopy allows easy penetration of the hip joint from multiple angles and areas. Depending on the type of hip repair, hip arthroscopy can be performed from virtually all angles and sides of the hip joint.
The main benefits of hip arthroscopy procedures are, optimally, improved joint function as well as reduced and/or eliminated hip pain. The majority of hip arthroscopic procedures are done to repair hip joint cartilage tears and/or injuries to the joint capsule, both of which can cause extreme pain and disability.
Prior to the widespread use and availability of hip arthroscopic procedures, many hip joint problems and conditions that are now easy to treat thanks to arthroscopy would have caused significant hip joint pain and disability. And even now, many hip joint problems that in the past would have required major, extensive surgical procedures to correct followed by lengthy recovery times are now easily treatable thanks to hip arthroscopy.