Relief For a Broken Tailbone
The Coccyx
The coccyx is the final segment of the vertebral column and the remnants of a vestigial tale. It comprises four very small bones fused together and serves as support for a sitting person.
Because the fracture usually resolves on its own, the best form of treatment is simply the careful management of pain until it can heal. A manual alignment of the bone is unnecessary, as the muscles are typically strong enough to pull the bone back into alignment.
Manual Pain Management
The best way to manage the pain of a broken tailbone is to prevent the application of any pressure to the area. To avoid pain while sitting, the use of an air cushion or donut pad is recommended. If carrying around a cushion is not feasible, there are a variety of ways to minimize pressure on the tailbone without the use of one.
When sitting, slouching forward or sitting perfectly straight focuses pressure off the tailbone area and onto the buttocks, alleviating the pain. Using a hard chair can help, as sinking into a soft one can increase the pressure put on the coccyx.
If pain occurs during bowel movements, eating a diet high in fiber, drinking lots of water and using stool softeners can aid in relieving pressure in the area.
Drug Treatment
If manual treatments don't work, an injection of anti-inflammatory drugs around the coccyx might help alleviate the pain. The injection is performed by an orthopedic specialist, often as the initial treatment.
A regular but controlled regimen of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin can help alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by a broken tailbone. These can be found in pill form or a topical cream, and usually require a stronger dosage to relieve the pain.
As with all drug regimens, it is wise to consult a doctor before beginning one, as prolonged use of any pain medication can lead to more serious conditions, such as bleeding in the stomach, peptic ulcers and kidney failure.
Food Treatment
Some foods possess anti-inflammatory characteristics and can be used as a successful treatment for tailbone pain. Fish oil extract, flax oil and cherry juice all have an anti-inflammatory effect, though ingesting too much fish oil can cause an overdose of Vitamin A.
If pain cannot be controlled by manual methods, sometimes surgery (coccygectomy) to remove the coccyx is recommended. This procedure, however, is rarely performed, and should only be used as a last resort.