Nutrition for Joint Health
As a supplement, glucosamine has been shown to reduce pain in joints. Many nutritionists recommend a dosage of 1000 to 1500 mg daily. Over a period of 3 months, you should notice a lessening of pain. If not, consult your physician.
Glucosamine is a natural compound in the body. Its function is to form and repair cartilage. Chondroitin makes the cartilage more elastic. These two substances are often combined into one nutritional supplement to help with both repair and flexibility of cartilage.
Glucosamine is found in shells from shellfish and chondroitin is found in pigs ears, foods which we do not normally eat. Glucosamine is synthetically produced from the shells of shrimp, lobsters or crabs, and chondroitin is made from shark or cattle cartilage.
Retail Sources
Look for a product that contains at least 1000 mg of glucosamine. Local retail and drug stores carry varieties of glucosamine. Amway Global offers a twist tube containing 1500 mg of glucosamine. Made by Nutrilite, this product is added to a 16-ounce bottle of water for an easy way to ingest the nutrition.
You should consult your physician before beginning a nutritional regime. In some cases, the use of glucosamine may cause drowsiness or headaches. In rare cases, increased blood pressure was a side effect. If you are allergic to shellfish, you should abstain from glucosamine, as its active ingredient is often shellfish.