Things Not to Do With Scoliosis
Everyone is Different
The severity and rotation of the spinal curve will have the greatest effect on each patient's ability to participate in any given activity. Other variables include the patient's pain tolerance, determination and a certain amount of pure luck.
Physical Activities
Exercising the core muscles is always a good thing. Organized physical sports, on the other hand, can be painful and cause breathing difficulties in a scoliosis patient.
Difficulty Breathing
Any activity requiring good lung capacity will be increasingly difficult as the curve progresses, because the spine rotates and distorts the rib cage. One lung may become compromised as the rib cage compresses it.
Contact Sports
Because the scoliosis patient's body is not symmetrical, contact sports can result in pain and even injuries from seemingly ordinary contact. The greater the curve, the more likely it is that contact will be made at an odd angle.
A person with scoliosis performs an unconscious balancing act just to walk or bend over. Patients with severe curves are likely to tire easily because it takes a lot of work just to get through the day.
Life Phases
Some life phases and other conditions may allow a curve to increase, especially in women. Pregnancy or even ordinary weight gain can worsen a curve due to the extra weight being supported by the spine. Likewise, osteoporosis can cause the curve to increase as the spine becomes weaker.