What Are the Causes of Decerebrate Posture?
Decerebrate posture is a condition that causes the muscles in the body to become rigid and leave the body in a compressed position. The arms and legs are held out, the toes point down, and the head is arched back. In most cases the wrists and arms seem to be very rigid, and it is possible that some forms of decerebrate posture affect only the arms.
Severe muscle spasms may accompany decerebrate posture. It is possible for decerebrate posture to occur either on one side of the body or on both sides, depending on the damage that is causing the condition.
Brain Damage
According to Penn State University, the most common cause of decerebrate posture is brain damage at the level of the brain stem caused by a traumatic brain injury. This can be the result of the bleeding caused by the trauma, or it could be due to the swelling experienced by the brain after an injury.
Decerebrate posture can be caused by a series of different kinds of tumors. A primary brain tumor, which is a tumor that starts in the brain and spreads to other parts of the nervous system, could be the cause of decerebrate posture. A secondary brain tumor, which is a tumor made up of cancerous cells that have come from other parts of the body, can also be a cause. A tumor on the brain stem can also bring on decerebrate posture.
Brain Disease
One of the diseases that can cause decerebrate posture is a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy. In this disease the liver begins to shut down and stops eliminating dangerous compounds such as ammonia from the bloodstream. When these poisons reach the brain through the bloodstream, they can cause decerebrate posture.
A stroke brought on by a blockage or narrowing of the arteries can also result in decerebrate posture.
Hypoglycemic Encephalopathy
This is a condition that results from low glucose levels in the blood, and it can result in a coma along with decerebrate posture. The condition primarily affects the muscles, and along with decerebrate posture it can also cause muscle spasm and seizures.