Cervicogenic Disc Disease
Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a type of injury or deformity to the neck area of the spine that often leads to compressed muscles, tendons and nerves. Pressure or damage caused at various locations on the neck and shoulders, called trigger points, can cause headaches, in the front of the sinuses, the temporal lobe, and behind or in the eyes.
Disc Injuries or Disease
Because nerves all pass through the spine, it stands to reason that any condition that affects the spinal column, including vertebrae and discs, can affect other parts of the body. This is especially true when nerves or muscles are pinched, leading to pain, both acute or chronic. A cervicogenic headache commonly originates in the neck region of the spine, and is most often caused by some sore of abnormality in the discs located in the neck or upper spinal column.
Some of the most common causes of cervicogenic disc disease include but are not limited to misalignment of the cervical or neck vertebrae, joint degeneration and previous injuries to the neck or shoulder area.
Repeated stress or overuse of the neck and shoulder muscles such as that caused by improper weight lifting, carrying objects on the shoulders or improper exercise techniques can often cause pinching of the nerves or damage to joints in the neck that lead to cervicogenic disc disease, wear and tear and even chronic headaches.
Treatment of cervocogenic disc disease may depend on the location and severity of the damage in the cervical area of the spine. In some cases, physical therapy offers relief, as can relaxation techniques and even injections called nerve blocks in order to provide relief from pain. Many individuals seek and find relief with chiropractic adjustment, massage and acupuncture.