Herniated Disc Causes
Excessive Strain
Lifting heavy objects often and not using proper lifting techniques can cause a herniated disc. When a person experiences a herniated disc due to excessive strain, it is usually a disc in the lower back that becomes herniated. However, discs in the neck and the mid-back can become herniated due to excessive strain as well.
Automobile accidents are common causes of herniated discs, especially the discs in the neck. When a person's vehicle is rear-ended, his or her head and neck often fly forward, and this can cause a herniated disc. Bad falls can cause herniated discs as well, especially if there is significant twisting involved. Sports injuries can cause herniated discs, especially contact sports such as football and hockey. Depending on the severity of the cause, more than one disc can become herniated.
As people age, their discs naturally degenerate. This degeneration causes the ligaments that hold spinal discs in place to weaken. When these ligaments weaken they are less able to support the discs and this can cause herniated discs. Once degeneration has begun, even a minor twist or strain can cause a herniated disc and, in some cases, several herniated discs.
Some individuals are just more vulnerable to herniated discs. Something like a simple fall, a minor strain or just twisting the wrong way can cause a herniated disc. Some individuals with a family history of herniated discs may be predisposed to experiencing them even without significant trauma, strain or advanced age.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is a common cause of herniated discs. This disease can cause herniated discs at just about any age, but tends to affect middle-aged and older individuals. Those with this disease will have less blood supply to their spinal discs, therefore their discs will not be as capable of recovering from minor injuries. Because this disease leaves spinal discs less able to repair themselves, it can cause herniated discs. Degenerative disc disease tends to affect the discs in the lower back the most, but it can affect all discs. Those with this disease often experience several herniated discs over time.