Medications That Cause Myalgia
Dimetapp, or a generic form of it, is a drug which almost everyone has used at some point in their lives. It contains brompheniramine, which is a an antihistamine that prevents sneezing and itching, and pseudoephedrine, which is a nasal decongestant. In rare cases, brompheniramine can cause adverse reactions that include convulsions, hypotension and myalgia.
Excess amounts of calcium can cause hypercalcemia in some people, especially those who are being treated for osteoporosis. Calcium promotes bone health, so it is a common treatment for osteoporosis or prevention of osteoporosis. One indication of hypercalcemia is myalgia. Other people at risk for hypercalcemia are patients receiving Vitamin D treatment for hypoparathyroidism. If someone who is being given calcium or Vitamin D treatments for osteoporosis or hypoparathyroidism experiences myalgia, it should be discussed with their doctor.
Dacarbazine is used in the treatment of malignant melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. It is an antineoplastic, or cancer-fighting drug. It is usually used in conjunction with chemotherapy treatments. Dacarbazine can also be used in the fighting of Hodgkin's disease as well as sarcomas. The intravenous treatment of dacarbazine can lead to myalgia in some patients.
Astelin is a nasal spray that is used to treat nasal congestion or chronic rhinitis. There are many different side effects that can occur when using Astelin, including bitter taste in the back of the throat, drowsiness, nosebleed and sore throat. However, studies have shown that in clinical trials, people who were given Astelin complained of myalgia more often than those treated with a placebo. It isn't very common for patients being treated with Astelin to suffer from myalgia; only about 1.5 percent do.
Gemzar is a treatment for women with metastasized breast cancer, and is given after chemotherapy treatment along with paclitaxel. Depending on the type of cancer and other drugs a patient is on, side effects can vary. However, at least 33 percent of people who took Gemzar along with paclitaxel experienced joint and muscle pain. It is very common for people being treated with Gemzar to experience myalgia, but it should be discussed with a doctor when there is any pain.