What Is Liniment Used For?
Pain Relief
Liniment is often used for temporary relief of rheumatic aches and pains, as well as soreness, muscle strains and aches that are due to overexertion.
Herbal liniment is used to ease uncomfortable symptoms of arthritis. It is sprayed onto the arthritic joint and then thoroughly rubbed in, or a damp gauze containing the liniment is placed over the affected joint.
Liniment is also applied to injuries to ligaments, cartilage, tendons and muscles. It can soothe pain, and offer rapid healing. It also helps with herniated disks, overstretched muscles, ankle injuries, knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.
Liniments are extremely rapid ways to treat and eliminate bruises. Liniment should be applied right after a person is bruised. Topical liniment creams are very popular due to their rapid ability to cause bruises to fade.
Liniment is popular with horse trainers and owners. It can ease a horse's itchiness resulting from heat rash, bug bites and allergies. It can also calm swelling and pain caused by exercise injuries, edema and rheumatism. It is also used to speed up healing of a horse's acute and minor injuries. Liniment is capable of relaxing horse muscles when they are tense or tight, making horses perform better. It is also excellent for lessening inflammation.