How to Cure Shoulder Joint Pain
At times shoulder joint pain can be so bad you cannot lift your arm. I have torn my rotator cuff several times, so I am very familiar with how bad it can get. There are many reasons for pain in shoulder joints the three most common are tendonitis, bursitis and rotator cuff tears.
Baseball pitchers, weight trainers and swimmers are prime candidates for shoulder pain, since they overuse the joint while training. Most any athlete who has shoulder pain knows what to do soon as they feel it. The first thing they do is go for the ice and go for it as quickly as possible.
Ice applied immediately can save you weeks or months of rehab time unless it's a very serious injury. The ice is applied the first 24 hours to decrease swelling and for pain. Then heat is applied alternating with ice. The heat relaxes muscle/tendon and helps get range of motion back.
You may need a pain reliever for the first day or two. As you apply ice and heat you need to move and stretch the shoulder joint when possible to avoid frozen shoulder. This is done very slowly, NO fast movement, if you feel pain back off. It's okay to feel discomfort, but not pain that's unbearable.
If you have never experienced shoulder joint pain and feel the pain is serious then seek medical attention. On the other hand, it's okay to rehab at home if it's not serious. I have rehabbed at home each time with great success.
Obviously, you have a computer, so you can look up shoulder stretches and exercises online and see how to do them properly. It's vital to keep mobility and get range of motion back. Therefore, ice, heat, stretches and finally resistance exercises with bands or light weights need to be done and in that order.
It can take up to 6 months for a rotator cuff to heal depending on if it's a tear or strain. So, be prepared to baby it, however, you can still workout you just need to be careful. For more details on this see resources below.
Alternative healing methods like acupuncture work well also. In fact, acupuncture treatments totally cured my tendonitis and bursitis for good. Massage can also get rid of shoulder pain as long as it's done gently.
Naturally, the best course of action is prevention. If you overuse or abuse shoulder joints you will create problems and eventually pain.