Spine Tumor Symptoms
Back Pain
Back pain is the most common sign of a spinal tumor. It is also one of the most common ailments humans suffer, and it often has absolutely nothing to do with a tumor. Back pain that is more serious in nature, such as pain that is at its worst at night or when you first get up in the morning or that affects the hips and legs, should always be checked out with a doctor to make sure it isn't a symptom of something tumorous.
Another symptom of a spinal tumor is muscle weakness and numbness through the back and legs. If you're experiencing any sort of leg numbness or find your muscles are losing strength for no viable reason, it is vital you get checked out because this could be a sign of spinal tumor. This is especially true if it is coupled with severe back pain.
Walking Problems
Spinal tumors sometimes manifest themselves in such a way that the patient will have problems walking, even to the point where he falls on occasion. This can be a direct result of the numbness and muscle weakness, or it could come about without those symptoms.
Decreased Sensitivity
Spinal tumors can put pressure on the spinal cord, causing the pain receptors in the brain to weaken. As a result, those suffering from spinal tumors may experience some decrease in their ability to feel pain or the ability to discern extreme heat or cold. This happens not only in localized areas such as the legs and feet but in the hands and torso as well.
Other Symptoms
Like any other tumors, spinal tumors can carry different symptoms for different people. It depends on the person, the severity of the tumor and its location. Some other symptoms to watch for are loss of bowel control, loss of bladder control, mild to severe paralysis and the formation of scoliosis.