Usual Lower Leg Pain for Beginner Runners

Only another runner knows about the glory, the thrill and the euphoria a runner feels after a run. True runners are like the mailmen: They carry on regardless of the weather. They are like the Marines in that they ignore pain when possible. However, pain should never be ignored and knowing what causes it is the first step to recovery.
  1. Significance

    • Running is an excellent way to get into and to keep in shape. It not only strengthens leg, thigh, stomach, buttocks and arm muscles, it also is a terrific way to clear your mind and reduce stress.

    Tight Calfs

    • All runners, and especially beginning runners, need to stretch before and after a run. Tight calf muscles can pull the heel, which then forces the front of the foot down, straining front leg muscles.

    Weak Front Leg Muscles and Hips

    • Beginning runners may have weak muscles along the front of the legs. Weak shin muscles can cause pain and discomfort. Also weak hips can strain the lower legs.

    Shin Splints

    • Running on gravel, roadways or other hard surfaces that do not give can cause stress on the lower legs and result in skin splits. The pain may progress over time and should be addressed immediately.

    Under- and Over-pronating

    • It may take beginning runners some time to find their correct stride, length and gait. When the foot rolls inward (pronates), or turns outward (supinates), front muscles are forced to work harder and pain may result.

    Incorrect Shoes

    • Wearing the right running shoe is a must and will prevent pain, injury, blisters, strains, sprains and stress on the entire body. Don't wear tennis, walking, basketball or casual shoes to run in. Visit a reputable athletic store and have your feet measured and analyzed for fit. Running is an inexpensive sport, so don't skimp when it comes to sneakers.

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