Causes & Treatments of Bunions
One of the main causes of developing a bunion is heredity. When this is the case, the bunion itself isn't what's inherited, it is the movement pattern and mechanical structure of the bones in the foot that is inherited. This, in turn, leads to bunions.
When it comes to bunions developing, women are more likely to get them. One of the reasons why is because of the footwear they use. An example of this would be tight-fitting dress shoes that are narrow. When women consistently wear these, their toes get crunched up and turned inward, which can eventually lead to a bunion. But, men can also experience this if they wear tight-fitting work boots or dress shoes daily.
When bunions first develop, a common treatment option is soaking your feet in warm water every night and wearing proper fitting shoes. Soaking your feet can soften the skin and alleviate pain in the short term. Wearing better fitting and more comfortable shoes can reduce the stress on the bunions during the day. Shoes with pointed toes and high heels should be avoided.
A way to add further protection to the bunions is by adding some padding to them. Pads for bunions are worn on the side of the foot wear the bunion exists. These protective pads can be purchased at a drug store, or you can get them from your foot doctor.
In some occasions, the bursa sacs in the toe joint become inflamed, which results in the formation of a bunion. Bursa sacs are filled with fluid, and they help form a cushion between the ligaments, tendons and joints. When bunions are caused from inflamed bursa sacs, injections of corticosteroids are used as a treatment.
In the most extreme situations, surgery can be performed to correct the deformity and to relieve the pain caused by the bunion. This is usually done when your daily activities are being hindered as a result of the bunion. When surgery is performed, the bone gets restructured, soft tissue changes get corrected, and the actual bump that forms on the bone gets removed.