Treatment of Chronic Elbow Tendonitis

Elbow tendonitits is an inflamation of the tendons that surround the elbow area and connect the muscle to the bone. Elbow tendonitis is a painful condition resulting from repetitive motion in the elbow. Elbow tendonitis is also called "tennis elbow," as it is estimated that half of all tennis players will experience this injury during the course of their careers. The chief symptom of tennis elbow is moderate to severe pain in the elbow region when bending the arm. Tendonitis in the elbow can be treated at home, and usually does not require any treatment by a specialist. Home treatment should last at least three weeks.
  1. Restricted Movement

    • Restrict movement of the elbow by applying an ace bandage around it while it is in a pain free position. Once that is done, place the arm in a sling. The elbow should not be completely immobilized, but rather supported and movement restricted.


    • Alternate doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen to reduce swelling and relieve pain. A topical analgesic such as Ben-Gay or Aspercream should be rubbed onto the affected area in between dosages.


    • Exercise the elbow gradually. During the first week, simply bend the elbow as far as you can, for as long as you can tolerate it. Once you are able to fully extend your elbow, try the same exercise with a small weight. Increase the weight slightly each day until you have full use of your arm with no pain.

    Rest the Elbow

    • Baby your elbow as much as you can. Do not engage in any activity that may have caused the condition such as bowling, tennis or even holding a baby on your hip. While you are resting, apply ice packs to the elbow to relieve swelling.

    Prevent Future Elbow Tendonitis

    • Strengthening the muscles around the elbow can help prevent elbow tendonitis. However, you must be sure that you are correctly doing the exercises. A Trainer can help you with this. If your elbow tendonitis was caused by a sport such as tennis or bowling, it is imperative that you are practicing the correct form for your repetitive motion, such as a safe back swing. If possible, wear an elbow brace during such activity.

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