ETPS Acupressure Treatments
Bruce Hocking, a former chronic pain sufferer, developed ETPS acupressure treatments after experimenting with a handheld micropoint stimulator.
ETPS acupressure treatment specialists cite their successes upon the integration of tools utilized from such disciplines as osteopathic stretching, trigger point therapy, structural realignment and neuromuscular/neuropathic therapies.
ETPS practitioners first use their hands to manually stretch out their patients muscles and tissues. Then they use the ETPS 1000, a device with an electrolode wand that relaxes the muscles while simultaneously calming the nervous system.
Time Frame
Some ETPS acupressure treatment patients have reported substantial and complete relief after only one or two treatments; however, most patients require up to 10 treatments to report a full recovery.
ETPS practitioners believe that this therapy is able to quickly identify the body's troubled anatomical areas and that its use can greatly diminish injury recovery time as well as neuromuscular stress.