How to Prevent Foot Cramps
Things You'll Need
- Heating pad
Increase your daily fluid intake to at least 64 oz. Drinking an adequate amount of fluid will prevent dehydration and reduce the likelihood that an electrolyte imbalance will develop. If you are very active, you may require more than 64 oz. of fluid each day.
Stretch your feet and legs regularly throughout the day and night. If your foot cramps occur while you are in bed, make certain to gently stretch your muscles before going to sleep.
Wear well-fitting shoes with supportive soles. Avoid very high heels and shoes with no arch support. This is especially important if you are active and regularly engage in walking, running or other activities.
Take a warm bath or use a heating pad to relax the muscles in your lower legs and feet before sleep. This significantly reduces the incidence of leg cramps in some people, but others may find the frequency of their cramps increases.
Leave your feet uncovered while you sleep at night. The weight of blankets on your feet may cause your toes to point downward. This is a common cause of foot cramps. When the weather is cold, try wearing socks instead of covering your feet with a heavy blanket.
Warm up before engaging in strenuous exercise. Most people are aware of the need to warm up their legs and other large muscles, but the feet require attention before physical activity as well.
Visit your doctor for a blood test to have your calcium and magnesium levels checked. Deficiencies in either of these minerals may increase the risk of developing foot cramps.
Take a muscle relaxant before bed or when a foot cramp is likely to occur. According to the Mayo Clinic, medication is typically only prescribed when leg cramps are so frequent that they interfere with sleep or functioning.