Scoliosis Treatment for Children
The four common causes of scoliosis are congenital defects, genetic abnormalities, accidents and trauma, or certain diseases that cause bones to become brittle.
If the curvature isn't too severe, the doctor might choose to watch and wait. In some cases, scoliosis does not get bad enough to ever need treatment.
Back Brace
Back braces can be used either after or instead of a cast. Braces are normally meant to be worn under clothes and are adjustable.
If scoliosis is severe, surgery that uses rods, screws or wires to help reposition the back might be necessary.
Biofeedback and Exercise
Both biofeedback and exercise can be used to help the child learn how to keep her spine straight and work on her posture.
Chiropractic Care
Some parents think chiropractic manipulation of the spine is a successful treatment, although it has not been tested.