What Causes Severe Elbow Pain?

The elbow is used for a lot of daily functions such as eating, drinking and driving a car. When elbow pain sets in, especially severe pain, these daily functions can become quite difficult to perform. There are several different reasons for severe elbow pain to develop.
  1. Tennis Elbow

    • Tennis elbow is caused from excessive flexing and extending of the elbow. It can also occur from repetitive painting, raking and cutting meat.


    • Dislocation can occur when there is a lot of stress put on the elbow, causing the bones to get jarred out of place. This can happen from an accident, a fall or from getting hit in a sport like football.


    • Arthritis is a condition where the joints in the elbow become inflamed and swollen, which can cause severe pain.


    • Gout is a condition where there is an excess amount of uric acid in the body. This uric acid ends up pooling at the joints causing pain.


    • When the elbow gets bent backwards farther then its normal range of motion, a hyperextension can occur. When this happens, ligaments and tissues in the elbow get damaged and severe pain can develop.

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