Achilles Tendonitis Symptoms
Ignoring the symptoms of achilles tendonitis can result in severe damage to the tendon and a long period of recovery.
There can be one specific incident that causes achilles tendonitis, or it can result from overuse that produces a series of small tears over time.
The initial symptom may be mild pain, but as time goes on and activity continues, the pain may become unbearable. In severe cases, a hard knot may develop in the tissue of the lower leg.
Once the symptoms have presented, a physical may be performed to test the range of motion of the legs, feet and ankles. The doctor may also use X-rays and an ultrasound along with the physical exam.
This will vary depending on the severity of the tendonitis. In mild cases, the patient may need to rest, elevate and ice her foot. In severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the tears in the tendon.